Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bucket Baths an experience to not be forgotten

We have recently reached a water crisis here at the 7 Sisters home. We have little to no water. Really think about that for a moment. In America we never have this issue unless a pipe breaks or there has been a contamination. If those events happen we have crews that fix the situation as quickly as possible. Not so in India. Most people have a well and when the pump goes out (which is what has happened at the home) we have to pay to have water shipped in. Most people can't afford to have it shipped in.
At the 7 Sisters home we are blessed enough to have filtered water to drink and tap water to bathe from that is hot and has a shower head. (Many Indians laugh when I tell them this because they are just so use to bathing from a bucket.) When the water runs low however, a bucket bath is called for. So the other day I desperately needed to shower (its getting hot here now and well showers are a must). I thought oh I can do a bucket bath it will be easy and will save water. No biggie I can handle this... yep not so. Not even close. It was cold for starters apparently there are different ways to heat up the water I had access to none. The amount of water is less than I normally bathe with so washing my hair and body with the same bucket took some planning. Planning that I didn't realize until I was almost out of water. Needless to say I was freezing, half wet, and still dirty when I realized just how truly blessed we are in America.
Since then I have now moved into my apartment that does in fact have a shower head. But, my experience with a bucket bath will not soon be forgotten.

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