Thursday, February 7, 2013

Week 2

Whew what a week this has been. Still no girls which is okay because we are wrapping up last minute things. The CWC which is like our SRS was really excited when we went to them on Tuesday and are ready to send us girls so it can and will happen at any time. We also went to the train station to talk to the police there. They told us that they had just had 2 girls last month that were trafficking and of course they had no where to send them. So now they know they will call us.

I will be working on intake forms to help us determine if the girl fits our criteria of sexually abused or trafficking. Right now I am trying to gather some resources. On top of all that we have managed to train about 10 volunteers from other places which will help us with activities and overnight stays. That was a whole day and then a video call The Day My God Died which I will highly recommend for anyone wanting to know what exactly we are doing and what we will face everyday.

Everyone is preparing for the worse  so when an opportunity comes up to do something light like shopping or going off for a break occurs the ladies here jump on it. So I have been to a few bazaars and  shopping locations. I have managed to ride in an autobot, a rickshaw, a car (which is the single most scary thing ever) and the bus. Please keep in mind they have no TRAFFIC laws here so everyone drives anyway they want as fast as they want and no pedestrians have the right away. They will hit you if you get in the way. Not nearly as fun as it sounds. Reminds me a lot of that game frogger and well we all know what happens when frogger didn't cross or make it across the street or river.

We did have a scare this week 3 of the ladies I work live next door to the house and it was broken into and so was our office. Luckily we have bars on the inside of the windows so he wasn't able to get in. What he did was unlock the window then he reached in with his hands or a stick and grabbed whatever he could. The girl who was being robbed woke up in the middle of it and freaked out. I seriously don't blame her. Even though I knew that they couldn't get in here I still had a hard time sleeping last night. I can't wait until I can move up a floor into my apartment/guest room.

On Saturday we will be going for elephant rides which I am super excited about and looking forward to. I will post pictures as soon as I can. The internet here is hit or miss but I am hoping to purchase a hot spot through one of the ladies that I work with so that I can do school work that should help with posting pictures and things. We are getting ready to enter Summer here and it is already getting hot which makes me nervous for what really hot here.

Oh I have been taking some language courses and I am hoping that they help me soon the accents are getting easier to understand and everyone around here is attempting to help me learn which is nice. I did manage to catch a cold earlier this week but thankfully it is almost over. Thank you all for your prayers on that there is medicine here but no one who lives her recommended anything or trust the local pharmacy so I fought it without meds.

So what's going on at home? Am I missing anything major?  Do you miss me yet? LOL


  1. That's a lot to take in for sure I would have been freaked out as well with someone breaking in.

  2. yeah it sounds worse then what it was but we have all been shaken. I'm glad that we have bars so they can't physically come in the room just reach in. So places don't even have bars so when I look for my own place I will for sure double check that.

  3. I love all the info and I immediately thought of Frogger...great minds think alike! Always praying that God places a hedge of protection around you! Home is is crazy...warm then cold!! Of course we miss ya but yur life is so exciting in India!!!

    1. It is crazy around here during the week it is go go go and then comes the weekend it and it is find something to do b/c it is moving so slow. A lot of that will change as the girls come but for now its different and slow even the traffic.

  4. hang in there and please be carefull! can't wait until you post some pics. My mouth is watering thinking about all the delicious food you are trying :)

    you aren't missing anything's cold and dreary :(

    1. As soon as I can get reliable internet the pic spamming will commence LOL although I haven't taken that many may have to change that soon... I will try to take a pic of some of the food that we have.
