Sunday, January 26, 2014

A little bit of Faith goes a long way.

I am currently re-reading the Bible from Beginning to End with the thought that I don't know the outcome. So in other words trying to figure out how God will answer his promise. I'm currently in Genesis (hey it's been a rough month) and BOOM it hits me...

Why do I always pray at 10pm (give or take) and expect an answer by 7am? Not only do I expect an answer at 7am I want it hand delivered by God tap dancing and saying "Hey Sara you were right, man you did truly need it, here you go Ta-Da" and poof the answer is there with whistles and bells. And yet as I'm reading through the 1st book of the Bible no less half the people don't even get to see their promises from God nor prayers come true in their life times. Did Eve ever get to see her seed strike the head of the serpent? Did Abraham see his descendants as numerous as the stars? I'm sure there are more I'm missing (and wait til we get to Moses) but for now you get the point. None of the greats saw their promises come full circle in the way they (like me) probably envisioned it.

So why do I expect an immediate answer? Heck it took Sarah an additional 20+ years (don't quote me on that) after a promise to Abraham for a son, a mis-step (when she tried to take control), and laughing AT GOD (granted behind His back but let's keep it real that was a risk) before she actually saw her promised son (whom by and by she named Laughter aka Isaac). Yet I want my prayer answered before I wake up the next morning, regardless of what is in the works b/c let's face it I apparently know better then God and deserve to have what I want and need right now.

As I write this it strikes me how dangerous and silly to demand and expect this from God (Uh hello my name is Sara I do tend to take after the female) it also struck me... how can one have Faith if one is given everything at once on demand. If one is given everything at once when one ask for it, one in fact has a genie. Not a wonderful, loving, compassionate God who is not trying to trick, make angry, take away from, enslave or punish the person praying. But, a God who works all things to HIS glory not SARA'S glory, but HIS. Who does not think like us ~ "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord" Isaiah 55:8

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purposes for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

So maybe, just maybe I should sit back, relax and know that God has this. He is in control and Sara doesn't know everything as much as she thinks she does. If God is waiting to answer a prayer then maybe Sara should just have enough Faith to know that He a)heard her, b)loves her, and c)knows what is best for her which means He will answer it when it is time