Thursday, May 30, 2013

What in the name of all things holy is that smell...

Oh wait its me. Apparently I don't do well in heat. Wasn't sure if any of you were aware of that fact. I can only assume that when one is born in a country that has A/C on from the months of May to October (give or take people give or take) going to a country that does not in fact have A/C in most places that person is going to face issues. One issue I am apparently facing is the fact that I sweat... a ... lot. It is not cool here people. In my apartment it stays around 86 degrees constantly unless we get a rain shower than it drops to 80 and we rejoice. Usually I wake up to 86 and watch as the temps slowly climb to 90+ and then I run to the home at 7 sisters and beg to stand in the office where the A/C is. Needless to say I sweat a lot without applying a whole lot of energy. And when one sweats a lot one tends to have a certain odor.

The sad part of this entire story is that the first few times I smelled the odor I blamed the girls and made them re-bathe... until I realized that it was me. Then I just felt stupid. Seriously I put deodorant on daily and up to 3 times a day so I have no idea why this new stench has occurred nor do I have a way to prevent it. I have gotten to the point I plan my day around showers...

I'm up to at least 3 sometimes 4 a day and when one is in a country where there is a water shortage that is not something one can brag about. Add to it I am starting to suspect that the water that comes out of my shower might be from a well that is either where our rain goes and/or possibly our sewer. Now I know we have sewers that are uncovered along the house and I know our toilets drain directly to said sewers. But where does the water flow to? Because let's think about this if it didn't flow anywhere then it would overflow eventually in the streets (which is why one never walks through a puddle nor does one walk through the flooding of streets when the rains from Monsoon are bad just an FYI tip for you). Yet it doesn't overflow into the streets so where does the water go. And before you go all smarty pants on me keep in mind there are no underground sewers in India or at least in this area I am in. That is why the sidewalks are uneven b/c one lifts up the sidewalk areas to help with flooding which is where the sewer is... Needless to say peps its not that deep the "underground sewer" it is in fact barely 4 feet down. The only water I find in India is in canals which I have to image that is where the sewer ends up otherwise those puppies stink worse than me and that folks is saying something. Although when one passes something in India that stinks one who happens to wear a duppta can in fact cover ones face and smell in the lovely smell of perfume if one remembered to put some on.

So I ask again what in the world am I bathing in?

And if what I think is true I have a feeling I shall never feel clean again until I come home in July. Why oh why do I sit up at night and think of these wonderful mysteries in India?

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