Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It’s funny to me the way God works. He does things that seem so logical after the fact yet during the middle of the storm seem almost unrecognizable.

Sometimes our thoughts become so diluted we forget who God really is. By forgetting who He is we expect Him to act and think like us. After all He created us so why wouldn’t He think like us? He promised to grant us the desires of our heart.(Psalm 37:4) Yet He doesn’t in a way we understand and when He doesn’t respond in a way in which we desire we get angry, confused, frightened, and frustrated. The whole time we are pouting and shouting God is working out the finest of details to bring us the best blessings. Sometimes we get so tied up in the BIG picture that we forget to get what we desire He has to work out the small details. Sometimes the one desire we have in our hearts is so massive that it takes time and sometimes our desires rely on another person to be ready.
When we demand that God do things on our time table we are basically telling Him you can’t handle this so let the expert take over…

Think about that. WE declare that WE know better than the Creator of the Universe. WE know better than the Lord of all, “who knew US before we were formed in the womb.” (Jeremiah 1:5) When we take over or try to solve the problem are we not just laughing at the word faith that we
throw around?

After all as Christians can we really describe what faith is? Is it a movement? A thought? A feeling? Is it something that if a person asked you to describe in one sentence you could? Or is faith something that you feel something that you know deep down you have. And when is faith acted out in trust or in walking by it. If you walk by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) do you never question the Lord or do you question Him in quiet and silent wonder if He really is listening?

How many times have you question Lord “do you really hear me when I cry out to you?” I know David told us I cried out to you Lord and you heard my pleas (Psalm 17:6). But, Lord do you hear mine? If so how come you haven’t answered me yet? How come I can never hear you? And please those of you out there getting ready to say be still and know I am God (Psalm 46:10) don’t. I know that it has become one of those phrases that are over used. I KNOW I need to be still and listen but, sometimes I also need to cry out and ask for peace. Sometimes I just need to know that He heard me.
Sometimes I just need reassurance. Or is that all part of faith? Is it part of the walking with God and trusting that even though in this very moment I may not understand I know that He is still working? That He holds me in His hand and won’t let me go (John 10:28). Maybe by just simply repeating this I can remember all those times when I looked back and saw that everything was done in His time to His perfect glory and now it all makes sense.
Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day
Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me
Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do
Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faith
I will, I will, I will walk by faith
Walk by Faith By Jeremy Camp

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