Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Anupam Sharma my dear friend

Today I learned that a dear friend of my was taken from us. For those of you who know me, you know that I am an only child. My whole life I have desired brothers and sisters, but due to my personality it is hard for me to allow people in. Allow them in enough to truly think of them as a brother or sister, to care for them as such, and be willing to do anything I can for them as a I would for my own flesh and blood. This person taken from us today was one of those few that I can honestly say I called brother and meant it.

Anupam Sharma
played such a HUGE role in my life and time in India. He was the one that made sure I got to where I needed to go. He explained to me why sitting side saddle would end both of us and then proceeded to command that I ride like a man (read about that crappy adventure here). He was the one that would get me a coke everyday so that I would have a piece of home while I was over there. He also was the one who kept a running tab on how much I drank and owed him. I apparently short changed him and owed him some when I left...

He was the one that kept me from dying on freaking rickshaws (that lovely horror story can be found here). He was the one that always laughed, always smiled, always took pictures. He was the one that would go places he truly didn't want to but knew that we did (AKA the boat ride - he never let go of that post). He was the one that would do whatever need we asked without question.

He was hands down the sweetest, most gentle man, with the biggest heart that I have ever know. Oh how I will miss your quirky comments, "Your ecstasy is coming Sorai" (Long story needless to say my apartment over there was called the ecstasy enclave so when taking me back from dinner one night this is what he said out loud to all of us in the car it still makes me laugh to this day). I will miss his laugh (HA HA HA) always three always deep chuckles. I will miss his horrible advice (green tea will help you lose weight, "you would be beautiful if you were thinner, you should never ride that way, wrong shoes Sorai). His even worse nicknames for me "Brownie, Soria..."

But most important I will miss him and how I always felt safe in his presence even when he was making fun at me.

Rest in peace Pom Pom you will never be forgotten!


  1. I smiled through my teary eyes as I read this which flushed back all the sweet funny moments with Anupam n all of us.... I still can't believe he is no more.. he will always be remembered...

    1. He honestly was one of the best. I am so blessed to have the short amount of time I had with him. He really did brighten any room.

  2. This is a beautiful post. *hug*
