Sunday, January 13, 2013


On January 12, 2013 I had a going away, fundraising, birthday bash. I invited all my friends, family and total strangers. I asked that everyone come out and just have a good time. The weather turned horrible and somewhere unable to make it out due to that. Others had to cancel due to other obligations. Everyone who couldn’t make it called, text, emailed or facebooked me telling me how sorry they were. They felt bad and I felt bad. I know how much all of them wanted to come!
Those that were able to make it out came with great hearts, cheerful moods, and laughter. I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better crowd. Everyone was joyous and excited for this adventure I am heading on. They asked questions, prayed over me, asked how they could help and talked with me about their fears and their faith that I could come back home safe. I left the restaurant with a HUGE smile on my face knowing that all these people LOVE and truly care about me.

I know that as humans we have no idea how to measure or truly comprehend God’s love for us. I know that sometimes it feels as if he isn’t really out there or caring. Many times during the storms or trials we can’t even hear him whisper, “Daughter I have this, trust me that I will take care of you. I love you!”  Yet tonight surrounded by friends, family and strangers I realized this is just a glimmer or sliver of what God’s love is like for us. These people whether present or at home gathered together in thoughts, prayers and well wishes to let me know that they loved me. That they will miss me and care for me, some I had never met, others had only briefly, but all came together for one purpose… to show me their love.
Psalm 86:15: But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.  

I can only image that if this is how we treat each other and support each that God’s love and support is ten times greater! How blessed am I to be surrounded tonight by friends and family that love and care so much for me.

Thank you God for all that you have done in my life, for all the blessings that I am aware of and those that I am not. But Lord I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for these people that you have put in my life. Those I call friends and family, thank you for if you took all else away I know that these lovely people would be there to help me. I know that without them I wouldn’t be able to do the work that you have set forth for me. That each one is more than a blessing they are lifesavers and have showed me love in a way I never imaged. Thank you for each of them and for bringing them in my life.

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