Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Scorpions do exist


Yep cause lizards, bugs, ants, mosquitoes, spiders as big as your palm, snakes, rats, and cockroaches the size of your foot weren't enough. Let's just go ahead and add in Scorpions. God I hate bugs or insects or whatever the hell you want to call them. And I really hate things that bite, sting, or well are just to big to squash without making a HUGE mess or you know might not squish cause they happen to be bigger than your foot and possibly stronger than your foot and they fly. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ROACHES FLY. It is a very dangerous world we live in when a roach as big as your foot can fly and will attack when it has been sprayed with Hit AKA Bug killer that makes them go loopy before slowly suffocating the creature to death.

But once again I digress...

Back to the other creatures I shall enlighten you about roaches in another post. Scorpions are exactly like they look like in the books, Wikapedia (which sadly has become my BFF over here in India cause I just don't know as much as I should whilst I am living here and well hell it has all the answers), movies, and well nightmares.

Let me set the stage for you.

I went into the bathroom after a long car ride. Man I was tired all I wanted to do was bathe then go to bed. I shed my clothes I started in on my freezing cold bucket bath. Then realized I still hadn't peed (yes I'm graphic get use to it I have suffered a trauma and my God I just don't care any more). So over to the toilet I sunder thankfully it was Western style and well I did my thing. I slowly got up to look for my towel and saw to my surprise a black thing in the corner where my heel had been pretty darn close to. (FYI close enough it could've struck me seriously not exaggerating at all I was that close to it). Now I had taken my glasses off so I couldn't see that well I reached for my glasses and clothes only to nearly scream as I realized what it was. Refusing to pull another lizard scenario that you all laughed at me about. I calmly got dressed went out of the bathroom and informed my friend that there was a scorpion in the bathroom. To which she replied are you sure? I mean its probably just a spider. "Nope" I responded calmly at her the whole time COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT IN MY HEAD. "I'm pretty sure its a scorpion." She shook her head and walked into the bathroom like whatever this foreigner is cray cray. Then she came flying out said bathroom and said "Oh my God there's a scorpion in the bathroom." Mom you would be proud b/c I did not say nananana see I told you so. Nor did I act superior. I simply nodded my head yes and waited for her brother to dispose of the creature while my friend was freaking out verbally beside me.

Don't get me wrong I was freaking inside my head and I didn't sleep a wink that night b/c I kept seeing the damn things crawling up my bed under my mosquito netting to get me or dropping down from the ceiling to attack. Needless to say God is good and 1. I did not get stung even though I was close enough too and 2. I did not get attacked in the middle of the night.

Needless to say I am a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT MORE CAREFUL. I fully inspect every room, bed, corner, bathroom, shoe, and piece of clothing I put on. And I thank my lucky starts that this is yet one more thing I don't have to worry about in KS.

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