Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dust storms really do happen and not just in deserts

You do not have to live in a sandy part of the world to experience dust storms. Some that are so bad you feel as if you can't breathe, which is sort of what the above picture looks like. Yes there is a good reason to have a dupatta after all. There is also another good reason to pray for monsoon season then again that surely comes with its own issues. I was going to call this a sand storm and in fact I think I have before until I was informed by a native that, I was in fact being a tad dramatic. Cue my eye roll and pardon me for confusing the two.

Anywho either one is not pleasant nor is it something anyone should ever wish to have to experience. Especially if you are a foreigner and didn't know that A) they really do exist in this part of the world or B) happen to be inside when it hits and just are thankful for the cool breeze coming in through the window. Not thinking that it would also leave behind the destructive caterpillars and dust almost a half inch thick. The dust does tend to coat everything your nicely cleaned floor that you spent way too long sweeping with a hand broom then on your bended knee mopping it by hand. Only to then discovered it is now covered in dust as is your computer, tables and chairs. But by the time you discover this little tid bit it is too late. The bugs are in the dirt is set and locking up your flat to roast in 98 degree weather just feels like plain torture at this point.

So you then face the dilemma do you let the dust continue to gather with the lovely breeze or you can shut up your apartment and clean up the dust. AKA re-cleaning the darn thing that just took you the better part of the morning to clean in the first place. Then after you spend another part of your day re-cleaning b/c let's face it that really is the only option you opt for a very ice cold shower if you can find it and crawl into bed. But before you do (And trust me this step is key) change your sheets.


  1. Yeah, that pretty much sounds awful. I guess KS isn't half bad after all.

    1. No, no it isn't but eh we've now moved on to flooding streets and monsoon season so YEAH... er maybe..

  2. So yeah that would qualify as a dust storm to me as well.

    1. I actually wanted to call it a sand storm but was told I was too dramatic LOL so I settled for dust storm
