Friday, May 31, 2013

God's little wake up calls... AKA Earthquakes


First and foremost for those who do not know I'm from Kansas y'all. Seriously we don't have earthquakes. If the ground is shaking its due to a really good concert, a cattle drive b/c hey we sometimes reenact things, a car that is in need of some serious work, a car with too much bass, or a tornado. And hey if its anything but the last we just shake it off and keep on moving. WE DO NOT DO NOR UNDERSTAND EARTHQUAKES. We do not understand people on the West coast who would rather have earthquakes over tornadoes. 8 times out of 10 you have a warning with a tornado it may not help but at least you get some warning. There is no warning with earthquakes. Let me repeat that in case you missed why this KS girl was freaking out... THERE IS NO WARNING WITH EARTHQUAKES.

One does not wake from a dead sleep with the apartment swaying back and forth the bed shaking so much you believe it was your flatmate trying to wake you up. Until you realize it isn't her cause you lock your freaking door at night. It is in fact the blessed ground moving and swaying the apartment too and fro. The ground should not move like that for any reason EVER (other than the above mentioned situations all of which I can handle with calm and dignity). What really disturbs me is the fact I was the only one freaking out. Oh it was just a 7.6 Sara no big deal... SERIOUSLY do you not understand what a ground shaking earthquake of that magnitude can do?
And not to change the subject but am I the only one who finds it mildly disturbing that I just now learned we have an earthquake survival kit. If its not that big of a deal why do I need a survival kit? Huh smart butt explain that? If it is not so big of a deal then why did God need me to wake up at 7ish in the morning? Obviously he wanted my attention and knew this would surely do it. (PS for those of you wondering I did in fact wake up. I did in fact call out for my flatmate and when I discovered she was still sleeping I called out to God. When he didn't answer me with anything super important I managed to make it to the bathroom and then well I did the only human thing I could. I went back to sleep until my alarm went off at 8).

Needless to say this KS girl is going to be happy to come home to a place where the earth rarely if ever shakes (please, please, please let this statement be true and not a way to jinx nor challenge God into making things interesting when I get home).


  1. Please keep sharing reasons why I WILL not be visiting India any time soon. Glad you are all right.

    1. I keep feeling bad b/c so many people say that. Its not a bad country at all. In fact I rather enjoy it now that I am use to the flow of it. It just has some mildly disturbing features, like earthquakes, lizards, and well squatty potties

  2. Which is enough to keep me away the earthquakes and potties ;)
