Monday, May 27, 2013


Hey everyone,
I wanted to give a quick update on where I stand so far. Because of your generous donations I have been able to come over to India and stay for the last 4 months. I have been working with 8 different girls ages 7 to 17. Some of them I help counsel or give advice to the counselor while the others I have the privilege of teaching English to. Each of the girls have a certain learning pattern and it has been a challenge to come up with lessons to reach all 8 and get them caught up in school.

So first and foremost I want to thank you. Thank you for donating to help me these last 4 months and thank you for your prayers while I have been over here. I truly appreciate it. Everyday has been a new lesson discovered and a new joy found. The experiences that I've had so far I wouldn't change for the world. I have had to grow in ways I never imaged I would have to.

I do have a small request however, I am still 2 months away from being able to come home. During that time I am still needing to pay rent, health insurance, electricity, and food cost. So far I spend around 300 a month in those expenses. I am needing help once again. So I am sending out the call for the last time. If you would like to help me with these expenses I would greatly appreciate any and all support. Anything I raise over my monthly use will be donated to the home directly. If you would like to donate to the home instead that would also be appreciated as well they can always use your support! You can find out how to donate here

If you would also take some time to pray for myself and the girls while I am over here that would be a huge help. God is doing wonderful things in these girls lives and everyday I am amazed at how He works.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all your help, your love, your support, and your prayers. I truly appreciate everything you have done.

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